Self Study - Module 3

For this self study, I imported packages called Terrain Tools and Unity ProBuilder in order to get experience with building terrains within Unity

It was actually really fun and interesting and not dissimilar to using Blender, but that naturally presents its own issues given my lack of skill with the 'B' word ;)

An Overview

To practise, I modelled a bit more of my archery range with a rough-ground terrain as can be found in the real one! I made an enormous amount of faces for the plane which may have been a mistake, but mistakes are learning experiences right?

I then used those individual faces to adjust elevation so that they protrude from the ground a little bit.

A better view of the terrain

And to get a bit more practise, I added the shipping container (sans-graffiti) that stores all our club equipment - bows, arrows, target faces, drills etc.

Top View

Overall - fun self study! 

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